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About Us.

Copyright © 2000-2025, John W. (Jack) Carter, Ph.D.  All rights reserved.
A refereed, weekly, open-access journal, now in its twenty-sixth year.

The American Journal of Biblical Theology serves the academic community as an outlet for biblical research and is intended for use by graduate and doctoral students, scholars, and professional writers.  Its publications consist of The American Journal of Biblical Theology (AJBT) and the Journal of Biblical Theology (JBT).

The AJBT is a weekly on-line journal that includes a weekly Bible study that is written by Dr. John W. (Jack) Carter, and is also distributed free via Email to subscribers.  The AJBT also includes links to recently published research papers that have been subject to review by our review staff.  New manuscripts are typically published weekly.

The JBT is a quarterly paperback journal that draws its resources from the AJBT.  Papers that have been approved for publication in the AJBT are further reviewed by the Board of Directors who then recommend publication in the JBT.  The JBT is available through subscription service or can be purchased at or though the Journal Bookstore.  The JBT is also available in Amazon Kindle format through both methods.  Kindle books are free for those who purchase the hardcopy quarterly.  The JBT is indexed in the ATLA Religion databases.

JIF Impact Factor: 6.225

AJBT/JBT Board of Directors


The American Journal of Biblical Theology is a free, open-access, on-line journal available for public use.  All financial support for Journal operations is derived from donations and book purchases.  There is no cost to Authors for the publication of their works.  Also, donations are not solicited from authors while their manuscripts are being reviewed, however, post-publication donations are appreciated.  The Journal is not a 501.C3 organization.

Donations to assist in the continuance of this journal can be made by check or a money order sent to:

Dr. John W. Carter
American Journal of Biblical Theology.
41 Skid Strip Ln.
Hayesville NC 28904  USA

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Published weekly since March 1, 2000.                      ISSN:  1531-7919