© 2000-2025, John W.
(Jack) Carter, Ph.D. All rights reserved.
A refereed, weekly, open-access journal, now in its twenty-sixth year.
"The term Biblical Theology is used for that methodology that takes its material in an historically oriented manner from the Old and New Testaments and arrives at a theology. It is exegetical in nature, drawing its material from the Bible as opposed to a philosophical understanding of theology; it stresses the historical circumstances in which doctrines were propounded; it examines the theology within a given period of history (as in Noahic or Abrahamic eras) or of an individual writer (as Pauline or Johannine writings)." Enns, Paul (1989) The Moody Handbook of Theology. Chicago IL: Moody Press.
It is not the intent of this journal to stifle religious thought or expression by specifying a narrow viewpoint concerning Biblical interpretation. Therefore, the only doctrinal statements that are adhered to in this journal serve to maintain its integrity as a journal of Biblical Theology. Though other theological schools may be published and represented, the context of the editors and reviewers will adhere to the following statement:
- The sole basis of authority for Biblical Theology is the Bible.
- The Bible, in its original form, is without any mixture of error or contradiction.