journal03.gif (6138 bytes) Doctrinal Statement

Copyright © 2000-2025, John W. (Jack) Carter, Ph.D.  All rights reserved.
A refereed, weekly, open-access journal, now in its twenty-sixth year.

Biblical Theology

"The term Biblical Theology is used for that methodology that takes its material in an historically oriented manner from the Old and New Testaments and arrives at a theology. It is exegetical in nature, drawing its material from the Bible as opposed to a philosophical understanding of theology; it stresses the historical circumstances in which doctrines were propounded; it examines the theology within a given period of history (as in Noahic or Abrahamic eras) or of an individual writer (as Pauline or Johannine writings)." Enns, Paul (1989) The Moody Handbook of Theology.  Chicago IL:  Moody Press.

Doctrinal Statement

It is not the intent of this journal to stifle religious thought or expression by specifying a narrow viewpoint concerning Biblical interpretation. Therefore, the only doctrinal statements that are adhered to in this journal serve to maintain its integrity as a journal of Biblical Theology. Though other theological schools may be published and represented, the context of the editors and reviewers will adhere to the following statement: