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Volume 25.  Copyright © 2024.  All rights reserved.
A refereed, weekly, open-access journal, now in its twenty-fifth year.


 Theological Research Archive

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AJBT Volume JBT*

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25(25)   Christology Run Amok: Gregory of Nyssa Looks at Ecclesiastes. Grenier, Marc


25(24)   The Epistemological Significance of the Pursuit of Wisdom in Proverbs 1:7 and 9:10 in the Context of Belief in the Existence of God. Umaru, Victor.


25(23)   An Exegetical study of 1 Timothy 5:8 and its implication for the Christian Family. Daramola, Yetybde B.


25(22) 7(3) Godless Disciples of Modern Scripture: Darwin, Marx, and Freud. Grenier, Marc


25(21)   An Epistemological Framework from John 8:31-32. Shankle, David


25(20)   Historical Evidence for the Continuation of the Charismata: Fifth Century Onward. Osenbaugh, Scott E.


25(19)   Discerning Eternal Spiritual Meanings: Origen on Ecclesiastes 1:17 Grenier, Marc


25(18)   Righteousness from God: A Call for a Review of Our Translations of Romans 1:17 Nagel, Kerry


25(17)   Criticism, Chiasm, and Cosmic Conflict in Joshua 3-4 Gravitt, Jackson


25(16)   Evidence for Continuation of the Charismata Through the Witness of the Church Fathers To The Fourth Century Osenbaugh, Scott E.


25(15)   Augustine Looks at Ecclesiastes from Within 'The City of God' Grenier, Marc


25(14)   The Messianic Prophecy in Psalms 2 and its Fulfillment in the Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ. Umaru, Victor.


25(13)   Missions Activities of the Early Church and its Implications for 21st Century Missionaries. Ugbedinma, Chinedu E.


25(10) 7(2) Kowtowing to Cultural Gods: Knitter’s Christ-less Christianity Grenier, Marc


25(09) 7(2) Persecution: A Theological Perspective Wilson, Viju


25(08) 7(2) Mission Strategies of Sudan United Mission (1904 – 1991) and its Relevance to Missions in the Muslim Majority Context Aderele, Abiodun J


25(07) 7(2) Jesus Against Oral Torah in Matthew: The Case Study of Divorce Lavender, Jordan.


25(05)   A Model of Mercy in Role Definition Crisis: Making Sense of Martha’s Leadership Service in Luke 10:38-42 Oluwole, David B.


25(04)   The 'White Thesis' as Trojan Horse in Christian Culture Grenier, Marc


25(03)   Calvinistic Doctrine of Common Grace as Portrayed in Matthew 5:45 and Luke 6:35: A Reaction to Irrepressible Bloodbaths in Nigerian Society Inyaregh, Abel Aor


25(02) 7(2) The Apocalyptic Reading of Paul in Galatians: A Critical Assessment Kashung, Warring


25(01)   Faulty Translations? The Debate About Greek Translations of Scripture Grenier, Marc


24(52)   Examining the Authenticity of John 7:53 - 8:12 and its Significance Kalu, Okore O.


24(51)   Ecclesiological Analysis of Female Leadership: A Theological Reflection Okunade, Abraham A.


24(50) 7(3) Ecojustice Takes an Unjust Look at the Psalms Grenier, Marc


24(49) 7(1) Atonement and the Paradox of Peace and Violence in Numbers 25:6-13: An Expository Overview. Emmanuel T. Ogunmefun


24(48) 7(1) An Exegetical Examination of Psalm 22: Understanding its Meaning and Purpose Goble, Philip E.


24(46) 7(2) The Choreography of Cosmology: Angels and Bowing in Genesis 19. Grenier, Marc


24(45) 7(1) Cosmic Signs of the End As Landmarks for the Nearness of the Second Coming in Adventism. Razafiarivony, Davidson


24(43)   The Book of Jubilees is Not Inspired Scripture. Wilber, David


24(42) 7(2) Christianity `a la carte. Grenier, Marc


24(41) 7(1) The Righteousness of God and its Implications for Understanding Romans 1:17 Within the Context of the Church. Sims, Dustin


24(40) 7(1) The Significance of the Cross in the Epistles to the Galatians and Romans:
Implications for Contemporary Christians.
Ayeni, Emmanuel.


24(39)   Choreographing the Suffering Messiah in Mark’s Gospel. Grenier, Marc


24(38) 6(4) Thomas Aquinas’s Understanding of Faith & Reason: Jacques Maritain and Norman Geisler in Dialogue. Ventureyra, Scott D.G.


24(37) 6(4) Raised from the Margin: The Transformative Story of the Blind Man and its Implications. Alamu, Abel A.


24(36) 6(4) Ecumenical Perspectives on Pentecostal Pneumatology. Okunade, A. A.


24(35) 7(1) The ‘Household of God’: Contemporary Misappropriations. Grenier, Marc


24(34) 6(4) The Impact of Poor Communication on Church Administration and Leadership. OIshola, Jacob I.


24(33) 6(4) Forgiving Oneself: Biblical Precept or Distraction from God’s Gift of Forgiveness? Osenbaugh, Scott E.


24(32) 6(4) Taking God Out of Context: Bevans’ Typological Models of Religious Life Grenier, Marc


24(31) 6(4) Assurance of Salvation in Hebrews Pak, Joseph K.


24(30)   Syncretism and Aladura Christianity: the Celestial Church of Christ Ogunmefun, E.T.


24(29) 6(4) Beyond Net Zero Evangelism: A Biblical View of Climate Change Grenier, Marc


24(27)   An Ecclesiological Response to the Hunger Crisis in Local Churches of Anglophone, Cameroon Ebenezer, Fai


24(26)   A Contextual Reading of 1 Timothy 3:1-7 Nwaomah, Sampson, S


24(25) 6(3) The Choreography of Divine Justice: Satan’s Wager for Job’s Soul Grenier, Marc


24(23) 6(4) Intertextuality in The Book of Psalms: The Death and Coming Back to Life of The Just Man Agundez, John L.


24(22) 7(2) Postmodernism: A Biblical and Theological Reflection Okunade, Braham A.


24(21)   Curbing Hindrances to Effective Urban Missions Through Transformational Leadership Olufemi, Jacob I.


24(20) 7(1) Reading Scripture Through Tainted Glasses: Liberation Theology a la Karl Marx Grenier, Marc


24(19) 6(3) From the Eucharistic Communion to the Witnessing Communion: A Theological Review of Reconciliation Mission Based on Luther's Eucharistic Theology Samosir, Darman H.


24(18) 6(3) When Theology, Philosophy, and Creative Fiction Meet: The Writings of St. Teresa of Avila, Soren Kierkegaard, and Fyodor Dostoevsky Parrott, Jaclyn L.


24(17) 6(3) The Call of "Abba (to) the Father": A Study of Romans 8:15 Tan, Ricky Andries


24(16)   A Literary Perspective on Moses’ Shining Face in Exodus 34:29-35 Paglinawan, Dindo C.


24(15)   Implications of Acts 1:8 for Missions, Making Disciples, and Church Growth Kalu, Okore O.


24(14)   Evaluating the Reformation’s Impact on the Modern Church Hundu, Jacob T.


24(13) 6(3) From “The Lord-The Warrior” in the Book of Psalms to “The Army of the Lord” in the Prophetic Books and its echo in the New Testament Agundez, John L.


24(12)   Christ's Friendly Culture: A Contemporary Mission Construction of the Intercultural Perspective Aruan, Pulo


24(11) 6(1) Merging Believing Faith and Obedient Faith: Implications of the Semantic Scope of Pistis on the Integrative Conceptualization of the Term in the New Testament Oumarou, Emmanuel


24(10) 6(2) The Wedding at Cana, John 2:1-11: The Importance of Mary Roskoski, John


24(09) 6(2) Effects of Post-Modernism on Religious Education Practice Ishola, Olufemi J.


24(08) 6(3) Justin Martyr and His Contribution to Christian Theology Adeniyi, Gbenga A.


24(07)   What Can a Pillar of Salt Teach Us about Black Holes? Spierer, Eugene


24(06) 6(2) The Kingdom-Driven Gospel. Hensley, Jason


24(05) 6(2) An Analysis of the Ministry of the Royal Priesthood in Exodus 19:6 and Its Theological Expansion in 1 Peter 2:5, 9–10. Udoekpo, Michael U.


24(04) 6(2) Interplay of Religion and Governance Daniel, Jonathan O.


24(03) 6(3) Humans, the Ad Imaginem: A Constructive Study in Building Human Relations with Other Created Beings. Silitonga, Tumpal S.


24(02) 6(2) Exploring the Behavioral Exhibition of Servant-Leadership Toward Developing a ‘Heart of Service’ in the Contemporary Church Faniyi, Adeola O.


24(01) 6(1) "The Day of YHWH" in the Prophetic Books and its Echo in the New Testament Agundez, John L.


23(52) 7(1) Shame as a Moral Foundation: A Biblical-Theological Review Sinaga, R.R.P.


23(51) 6(1) The Final Prayer of Samson: Judges 16:28-30.  Roskoski, John


23(50) 6(3) Parental Conflict and its Effects on the Spiritual Development of Youth. Olusanya, Evelyn


23(49) 6(1) Administrating Strategic Parenting in the Church: A Christian Education Perspective. Olabode, Oladele O.


23(48)   A Historical Survey of Women in Christian Missions: Contributions and Challenges. Oparindi, Raphael O.


23(46)   The Relevance of Joshua 1:8 for Biblical Exegetes. Kolawole, O. Paul


23(44) 6(1) The Concept of Shema Yisrael and Tawhid al-Kitab as Religious Constructs and their Influence on Christian and Muslim Understanding of God, Mission, and Relation with People of Other Faiths. Agboada, Edward


23(43) 6(4) Proclamation of Triumph over the Spirits in Prison in 1 Peter 3:18-22 Nwaomah, Sampson


23(42)   From Holey to Wholly: Imaginative Construction of the Disability’s Roles through Rizpah’s Exemplary Shifting Role for Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 21:1-14, 19:24-30) Djuharto, Gumulya


23(41) 6(1) King Josiah: Leading During Tumultuous Times Shankle, David


23(39) 6(1) The Prolegomena of the Fourth Gospel: Jesus LORD and YAHWEH Carter, John W.


23(38) 5(4) From Rags to Reverend: The Life of Jens Peter Hansen (1872-1903) Hansen, Christopher M.


23(36)   A Critical Analysis of Acts 1:8. Kolawole, O. Paul


23(35) 5(4) Diaclesia as an Imaginative Ecclesiology Post-pandemic. Hutasoit, Irvan


23(34)   Green Theology in Genesis 1:11, 30, 2:8, and Creating a Sustainable Environment through Orchard Cultivation Kehinde, Samuel F.


23(33) 6(2) The Cosmic Christ: An Exegesis of Colossians 1:13-20 and Its Implications for the Twenty-First Century Church Fai, Ebenezer


23(32)   The Dynamics of People Management for Leadership Effectiveness in a Twenty-First Century Multi-Pastoral Context Olusanya, Kehinde O


23(31) 7(1) The Old Testament in Matthew's Gospel. Fai, Ebenezer


23(30)   Tragedy to Triumph: Ruth and the Modern World Sufferings: A Case Study on the Character of Ruth. Hakim, Irbab Younis


23(29) 5(4) The Book of Ruth and the Theology of Home: A Quest for New Communities of Care and Human Dignity in Africa. Musa, Hassan


23(28) 5(4) Spiritual Pragmatism in Pentecostal Hermeneutics. Philip, George


23(27) 5(3) The Impact and Challenges of Asian Christianity in a Pluralistic Setting: A Biblical Approach to Changing the Situation Hakim, Aftab Yunis


23(26) 5(3) Rhetorical Criticism for Expository Preaching: An Analysis of 1 Peter 2:4-10 Mathews, S. H.


23(25) 6(1) Promises to Abraham and their Relation to Gentiles in the Church: a Study of Galatians, Chapter 3 Bullock, Jacob S.


23(23) 6(3) Biblical Illiteracy: Philosophical Underpinnings and a Proposed Contribution to Educational Ministry Mathews, S. H.


23(22) 6(1) An Exegetical Study of John 4:46-54 and its Theological Significance for Christians Today Olalekan, Otunaya A.


23(21) 5(4) The Holy Spirit: Roles and Attributes Pandohie, Randyll


23(20) 5(4) Resolving Discrepancies in the Exodus Population of Israel Ramsundar, Pallant


23(18) 5(4) Is There Still a Way from Humans to God? A Reconstructive Interpretation of John 14:6 Hakh, Samuel B.


23(16) 5(3) The Creation of Adam in the Late Stone Age: Klein’s Giant Leap Forward Hypothesis and the Biblical Creation of Man Spierer, Eugen


23(15) 5(3) The Recurring Theme of “Beginning” in the Samson Narratives Roskoski, John


23(14) 5(2) Exegesis of 2 Timothy 3:16-17: Revitalizing the Church Through Scriptural Authority for Faith and Practice Olagunju, Olugbenga


23(12) 5(2) Jeremiah and Jesus: Who Do You Say That I Am? Winter, Donald K.


23(10) 5(2) The Coronation of Mary Roskoski, John


23(08) 5(2) Tracking Who God Wanted Us to Be. Burleson, J. Douglas


23(06) 5(2) Priority of Preaching and Conviction Towards the Essential Doctrines of Christianity Among the Filipino-American Evangelical Churches in New York City.  Cadornigara, Marvin


23(04) 5(2) You Invent a Trypho for Yourselves: Addressing Radical Reinterpretations of Trypho and Canonical and Non-Canonical Scriptures. Hansen, Christopher M.


23(02) 5(3) Journey Amidst Covid-19: A Theology to Direct the World’s Path.  Hakim Aftab Y.


22(52) 5(1) Connections Between Wisdom Motifs in Proverbs 1-9 and the Three Angels’ messages of Revelation 14:6-12.  Agharanya, Obioma


22(51) 5(1) John Calvin’s Perspective of Scriptural Exposition, Pneumatology, and Pentecostalism Today. Bulus, Ezekiel.


22(50) 5(3) The Goddess, “Asherah”: An Appraisal of Yahweh’s Wife in the Old Testament. Ibrahim, Philemon


22(48) 5(3) The Prophecy of Agabus in Acts 11:2-30 and its Lessons for Leadership Pro-Activeness Towards Disaster Management Oluwole, David B.


22(47) 5(4) Two essays: Love and the Law; Is Genesis 1-3 Literal or Figurative? Nelson, Peter G.


22(45) 6(3) Why I am a Pacifist: A Christian Response to Violence Maigida, Alhamdul A.


22(43) 5(1) Revelation of God in Romans 1 Fielden, Robert


22(42) 5(1) Continuity and Integration of the New Testament Scriptures Mbajiorgu, Daniel O.


22(41) 5(1) Spiritual Leadership: An Exegetical Examination of Daniel's Spiritual Leadership Style. Ball, Robert


22(40) 5(2) The Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. Kolawole, O. Paul


22(39) 4(4)

Worshipping God in Spirit and Truth: A Biblical Interpretation on John 4:19-24 in Constructing a Design of Theological Worship.

Hasibuan Ricky P.


22(37) 4(4)

My Father and Your Father (Jn. 20:17): Johannine Christians as the New Israel and the Anti-Judaism Community

Kantohe, Finki R.


22(36) 5(1)

An Examination of On the Incarnation of the Word by Athanasius of Alexandria.

Schellenberg, J. B.


22(34) 6(3)

Mary's Magnificat as a Prolegomena for Confrontational Christian Living

Ndugbu, Kizito U.


22(33) 4(4)

Towards an Understanding of the Book of Revelation

Nelson, Peter G.


22(32) 4(4)

Judges 15:8. “And He Attacked Them Hip and Thigh with a Great Slaughter".

Roskoski, John


22(31) 4(4)

The Angel of Yahweh: A Biblical Appellation for the Second Person of the Holy Trinity.

Burgos, Michael R.


22(29) 5(2)

Capitalist Christ or Socialist Son of God? Towards an Economics of Jesus.

Reinhardt, Jackson


22(27) 4(4)

An Exegetical Analysis: The Development of the Monarchy within the Deuteronomistic History.

Schellenberg, J. B.


22(26) 4(3)

Christology and Soteriology in Luke: Inner Texture Analysis of Luke 4:16-30.

Aryeh, Daniel N. A.


22(25) 4(3)

The Wedding Feast at Cana: A Mariophany of the Mother of Mercy (John 2:1-11)

Ndugbu, Kizito U.


22(24) 4(3)

An Assessment of the Recent Debates on the Authorship of John’s Gospel

Kolawole, O. Paul


22(23) 4(3)

Blessed Assurance: Adoption Divine: Understanding Paul’s Adoption Imagery as Evidence of Eternal Security

Goble, Philip E.


22(22) 4(3)

A Biblical Assessment of Luther's View on Priesthood of All Believers and the Office of Ministry

Razafiarivony, Davidson


22(21) 4(3)

The Church as Tribe.

Amerson, Nathan D.


22(20) 7(2)

The Biblical and Economic Blessings of Productivity.

Shankle, David


22(19) 4(3)

Theological Education as Matthean Mission: Challenges from the Indian Context

Philip, George


22(18) 4(3)

The Person of Jesus Christ: The Essentiality of His Nature within Christianity

Shellenberg, J. B.



Jesus' Teaching on Divorce in Matthew 19:3

Oluwashola, Jacob P.


22(16) 4(4)

Towards a Biblical Response to Self-Defense in Luke 22:36

Olagunju, Olugbenga


22(15) 4(4)

The Relevance of Song of Songs for Marriage Sustainability in the Christian Home.

Thompson, M. Stephen


22(14) 4(4)

Pentecostal Spirituality and the Luke-Acts Paradigm

Philip, George


22(13) 4(3)

A Lexico-Semantic Analysis of Metaphors in Psalm 1 and its Ethical Implications

Kehinde, Simeon F.


22(12) 4(2)

An Evaluation of the Neo-Dutch Radical School of New Testament Criticism

Hansen, Christopher M.


22(11) 4(2)

Charms, Talisman and Amulets in Contemporary African Christianity

Agboada, Edward


22(10) 4(2)

Eloi, Eloi Lama Sabachthani: Christ’s Final Plea for Sinners, Encouragement for Disciples

Goble, Philip E.


22(09) 6(2)

How Heartless is the Mistress of Hagar? Hagar, the Used and Rejected Egyptian Slave

Ibrahim, Philemon


22(08) 4(2)

Esau and Jacob Reconciliation Episode (Genesis 33:4, 8-12): A Model for Interpersonal Conflict Resolution

Lumanze, Obedben M.


22(07) 5(2) The Unity of Scripture: An Examination of Differing Accounts Shellenberg, J. B.


22(06) 4(2) Jesus’ Historicity and Sources: The Misuse of Extrabiblical Sources for Jesus and a Suggestion Hansen, Christopher M.


22(04) 4(2) Ephesians: A Case Study in the New Testament Author’s Interpretations of the Hebrew Prophets Hensley, Jacob


22(02) 4(4) Religion and Environment: A Christian Perspective Kehinde, Simeon F.


22(01) 4(2) The Community of the Baptized Winters, Donald


21(52) 4(1) The Thematic Structure of 1 Timothy 3:14-4:16 Menn, Jonathan


21(51) 6(1) The Message of Jesus in the Light of Early Judaism Lipovsky, Igor P.


21(50)  4(1) Two Sermons: A Presentation of the Thematic Relationship Between the Temple Sermon of Jeremiah 7 and the Baptism Pericope of Matthew 3:7-10 Freeman Justus A.


21(49)  4(1) An Exegetical Study of 2 Corinthians 8:1-9 and its Implications for Contemporary Christian Missions Godwin, Promise A.


21(48)  5(1) 1 Corinthians 14:34-35. Are Women Allowed to Speak in Church? Mathews, S.H.


21(47)   Multiple Fulfillment of Prophecy Nelson, Peter G.


21(46)  7(1) Advice to Nicodemus Reconsidered: Untangling What We Must Do to be Born Again. Burleson, J. Douglas


21(44) 4(1) Interpreting Galatians 3:28 in the Light of Feminist Theology Bamisile, Rhoda A.


21(42) 4(1) Theological Response to Psalm 91 in the Midst of Pandemic Naibaho, Daud
Fanggidae, Tony W.


21(40) 4(4) Women in Jesus' Ministry and the Place of Women in Contemporary Christian Ministry. Oluwashola, Jacob P.
Kolawole, O. Paul


21(38)   Interpreting Deuteronomy 22:5 in the Light of Jewish Dressing Culture: A Case for 21st-Century Christian Dressing. Bamisile, Rhoda A.


21(36) 3(4) The Seven Days of Creation: A New Approach Smith, Nancy


21(35) 4(1) Abraham's Plea for Justice: A Commentary on Genesis, Chapter 18. Axelrod, Charles D.


21(34) 3(4) On Matthew's Mountains: Immanence and Transcendence in the First Gospel. Amerson, Nathan D.


21(33) - Leading from the Future: An Ideological Text Analysis of the Revelation of John Atkins, Jimmy A.


21(30) 5(4) Trans-generational Transfer of Sin Simulated as “Sour Grapes” Metaphor-Proverb in the Prophetic Voices Takore, Zachariah B.


21(26) 3(4) A Defense of the Reliability of the Biblical Account Adeniyi, Gbenga A.


21(24) 3(4) Human Experience as the Point of Departure in the Wisdom Literatures: A Demonstration with the Book of Job’s Engagement with the Problem of Human Suffering and Theodicy. Ndugbu, Kizito U


21(22) 3(3) Warranted Skepticism: If we are to be consistent and fair, extraordinary claims do indeed require extraordinary evidence. Lataster, Raphael


21(21) 3(3) Matthew and the Torah: an Analysis of Matthew 5:17-20. Nguyen, Vien V.


21(20) 3(3) Disruptive Grace: An Analysis of Violent Texts in the Old Testament T. Fanggidae


21(18) 3(3) "His Blood be on Us and on Our Children: A Contextual Study and Reevaluation of the Infamous Blood Curse Hensley, Jason


21(16) 3(3) The Gospel as the Power of God for Salvation in Romans 1:8-17, A Wake-up Call for Renewal of Commitment to Christian Service Akintola, Samuel


21(14)   Trinitarian Controversy in the Old Testament: Toward a Solution Adeniyi, Gbenga A.


21(12) 4(1) Testing the Theological Development of Incarnation Aremu, Tende


21(11) 3(3) The Heart of Mary in Luke 2: A Biblical Image, Prophetic Words. Roskoski, John


21(10) 3(2) The Book of Philemon: A Critical Analysis of the Intersectionality of Leadership, Love, and Life. Shipp, Jeremiah E.


21(08)   A Defense of the Inerrancy of the Scripture Adeniyi, Gbenga A.


21(06) 3(2) The Supremacy of Ba'al over Mot in Ugaratic Cycle of Cosmogonic Myths and its Influence on the Old Testament. Oladejo-Babalola, S.


21(04) 3(2) Two Sons and Three Traditions K. Barker


21(02) 3(2) Pentateuchal Authorship:  A Critical Analysis of Existing Imaginations. Ibrahim, Philemon


21(01) - Why the Millennium? Nelson, Peter G.


20(52) 3(2) Tracing 'Land' Through Scripture to Christ Costa, Tony


20(50) 3(2) Job's Lament: Towards the Theological-Ethical Significance of Job 29-31. Musa, Hassan


20(49)   The South African Dutch Reformed Church and the Apartheid Conspiracy Kokobili, Alexander


20(48) 4(1) Proverbs Entrepreneurial Lessons for Today: Proverbs 31:10-31 Edwards, Vincent


20(47) 3(1) The Beginnings of a King - 1 Samuel 8:1-10. Evans, Robert B.


20(44) 3(1) Deliverance from Demon Possession in the Gospels: A Study into its Backgrounds and Applications in the Church Razafiarivony, Davidson


20(43)  3(2) Restructuring Evangelicalism Nelson, Peter G.


20(42)  3(1) Tarsus and Jerusalem: the Interplay of Knowledge and Spirituality Reading Acts 17:22-28 as a Theological Response to the Quest for Gospel Ministerial Efficiency. Godwin, Promise A.


20(41)  3(1) Apostolic Witness of Jesus Christ in 1 John 1:1-4. Olagunju, Olugbenga


20(39)   The Impact of a Contented Pastor's Wife on Her Husband's Ministry Ajayi, S. Daniel


20(37)  3(3) At-One-Ment Accomplished and Applied: The Relationship Between the Atonement, the Kingdom of God, and the Eucharist Rodman, Lance


20(36) 2(4) Biblical Shepherding and the Praxis of Ecclesial Leadership Ball, Robert


20(35) 2(4) A Parallel Case of Two Conversion Stories: A Narrative Criticism of Acts 8:5-40. Nguyen, Vien V.


20(34) 2(4) The Matthean Depiction of Mary's Virginity. Roskoski, John


20(32) 2(4) What is so "Holy" about the "Holy Kiss"? Ibrahim, Philemon


20(30) 2(4) Prophecy in Pauline Community: an Understanding of 1 Corinthians 14:29-33. Adelodun, Jeremiah T.


20(28) 2(4) The Influence of Puritanism on Constitutional Rights in Early America Kokobili, Alexander


20(27) 2(4) Creation, Sin, Rebirth, and Perfection: A Reinterpretation of the Bible Account. Burleson, J. Douglas


20(26)   Biblical Mistranslations of 'Euphrates' and the Impact on the Borders of Israel. Ramsundar, Pallant


20(24) 2(3) Labor-Related Laws in the Covenant Code and their Implications for Sustainable Economic Development.   Oladejo, Olusayo, B.


20(22) 2(3) Christians, Environment and Divine Injunction in Genesis 1:29: A Case for Environmental Sustainability   Olusola, Adesanya I.


20(20) 3(4) The Concept of Light in the Fourth Gospel and its Applicability to the Christian Church Today.  Waziri, Jerome A.


20(18)  3(4) Defeating Selfishness: God as Our Greatest Good  Skeen, James W.


20(16) 2(3) Behold, Your Mother: John 19:5-27. Redefinition of the Motherhood of Mary.  Roskoski, John


20(14) 2(3) God's Image in Man: A Biblical Perspective  Kolawole, O. Paul


20(12) 5(2) In the Pursuit of Mythic Success: Interpretation Through the Exegesis of Mark 10:17-22 Green, Daryl, D.


20(11) 2(3) The Burial of Jesus and Its Relation and Importance to the Gospel Message Costa, Tony


20(10) 2(3) Led by the Spirit: An Intertextual Analysis of Acts, Chapter 2. Atkins, Jimmy A.


20(09) 3(4) A Study of Charismata Hamatoon,"Gifts of Healings," in 1 Corinthians 12:9: Implications for Present Day Christian Ministry Kuwornu-Adjaottor, J.


20(08) 2(2) 'Auto-malediction' in Isaiah 22:1-14: Lessons for today's politics. Umoren, Gerald Emem


20(07) 2(2) The Corinthian Lord’s Supper: Paul’s Critique of the Greco-Roman Meal Tradition Philip, George


20(06) 2(2) Balanced Christianity: A Nexus between Faith and Work in the Book of James Adeniyi, Gbenga A.


20(05) 2(2) Locating Noah's Ark from Population Demographics Ramsundar, Pallant


20(04) 2(2) Charisma in Romans and its implications for Church Growth in Nigeria. Olagunju, Olugbenga


20(03) 2(2) An Inquiry into the Historicity of the Temple in Ancient Israel Tsegaw, Melak A.


20(02) 2(2) The Eucharist Bryson, Ken A.


20(01) 2(1) What Jesus Said about Coming Again Nelson, Peter G.


19(52) 1(4) Matthew 24 and its Relevance to the Parousia. O Bamidele, O Oladejo


19(50) 2(1) Samson: Judge of Israel, Hero of Faith, Part 2. Roskoski, John


19(48) 1(4) Psalm 85:10-13. Meeting, Fighting, and Coming Together. Barker, Kevin


19(47) - The “Tipping Point” of the Early Church: A Socio-Rhetorical Analysis of Acts 6:1-7 Vanderpyl, Tim H.


19(46) 1(4) Corruption in Ghana: a discussion of the depth of corruption and the role of the church in fighting the phenomenon Okyere, Frank


19(45) 1(4) Samson: Judge of Israel, Hero of Faith, Part 1. Roskoski, John


19(44) 1(4) Another Look at the Trinity   Nelson, Peter G.


19(42) 2(1) The Spirit of the Cross   Kulesa, Ryan D.


19(40) 1(4) Leader Value Alignment: A Social Rhetorical Reading of 1 Timothy   Atkins, Jimmy A.


19(38) 1(3) The One Olive Tree: The Relationship Between the Christian Church and the Jewish People.   de Vries, Peter


19(36) 1(3) "He Shall Be Called a Nazarene": The Old Testament Background of Matthew 2:23.   Roskoski, John


19(34) 1(3) Exclusion of the Blind and Lame from the Temple and the Indignation of the Religious Leaders in Matt 21:12-15.   Razafiarivony, Davidson


19(32) 5(2) A Biblical Examination of the ‘Great Commission’ and Church Planting in Nigeria   Oluwatusin, C. O.


19(30) 2(4) Global Leadership, Missions, and the African American Church: A Two-Edged Sword   Atkins, Jimmy A.


19(28) 3(4) “May the Lord Put His Spirit (rȗḥô) Upon Them” (Num 11:25–29b): Reading Moses’ Prayer for the Nigerian Contemporary Situation   Udoekpo, Michael U,


19(26) 1(2) Toward the Battle of Ramath-Lehi    Roskoski, John


19(24) 2(1) Critical Study of John 2:1-11 and its Implication for African Biblical Exegetes    Kuwornu-Adjaottor, J.E.


19(22) 1(2) Apostate Rejection in the United and Divided Monarchies    Barker, Kevin


19(18) 1(2) Christian Spirituality and what it Offers People in the 21st Century  Porter, Roger


19(16) 1(2) Mind the Gap: A Refutation of Gap Theory.   Kon, KeeFui


19(14) 1(2) Factoring Aristotelian Golden-Mid to the Debate on 'Relevance of Prosperity Theology' in the Nigerian Context   Adeboye, Godwin


19(13) 6(2) The Place of Sodom in the Contemporary Homosexual Debate: A Reflection from the Homosexual Community in Ghana.   Okyere, Frank


19(12) 1(1) Missiological Challenges Encountered by the Cross-Cultural Missionary: Man-Made or Natural? The Way Forward.   Alawidem Akinyemi O.


19(11) 1(1) The Disaster of a King – 2 Samuel 12:1–10.   Evans, Robert E.


19(10) 1(1) Nathan as a Courageous Follower: An Inner Texture Analysis of 2 Samuel:1-14.   Wantaate, Fred


19(09) 1(1) Applying the significance of the Magnificat, Luke 1:46-52, to the Socio-political and economic situation of Nigeria.   Olusola, Adesanya I.


19(08) 1(1) A Comparative Analysis of Paul's Pre-Conversion and Post-Conversion Approach to Church Discipline   Hatfield, Stephen


19(07) 1(1) The Marks of a Successful Pastor     Adetoyese, John O,


19(06) 1(1) Behaviors that Characterize a Power Play in a Small Group.   Wantaate, Fred


19(05) 1(1) Machaerus: The Fortress where John the Baptist was Beheaded.   Sostre, Samuel


19(04) 1(1) Efficacy of Prayer in Modern Medicine: Finding an Integrative Science-Faith Relationship.   Adeboye, Godwin


19(03) 1(1) An Application of Jesus' Leadership Style in Contemporary Christian Ministry.   Ajayi, Sunday D.


19(02) 1(1) Influence on Human Character Formation: Environmental or Genetic?    Jothibai, E.


19(01) 1(1) The Nature of the Holy Spirit, an Essay.    Kulesa, Ryan D.


18(52) R The Audible and Visible Gathering Together of the Saints with Jesus Christ and His Angels in the Clouds.    Kon, KeeFui


18(50) 1(2) I'll Be As Weak As Any Other Man: The Theological Significance of Judges 16:7,11,13, & 17.    Roskoski, John


18(48) 1(2) The Influence of Facebook Usage on Christians; A Review    Okai, David K.




Toward Enhancing an Acceptable Worship    Adetoyese, John O.




Hebrews 2:5-9: An Exegetical Paper    Evans, Robert E.


18(44) 1(4) Taking a Stand:  A Biblical Approach to Halloween    Carter, John W. (Jack)




Developing Young Leaders in a Dysfunctional World: An Exegetical, Leadership of First Timothy    Green, Daryl D.




‘Does Paul Really Understand?’  A Reconstruction of the Life and Issues of Paul’s Corinthian Community with an Assessment of his Responsive Effectiveness.    Porter, Roger




Church in Health Service.    Adetoyese, John O..




The Use of Jewelry: Biblical and Ellen White's Views.    Oladosu, Opeyemi T.




Parental Roles in Child Upbringing in Light of 1 Samuel 2:12-17.    Alao, Joseph O.




Jesus and Unbelief: John 2 - 12    Skeen, James W.




The Creation Story and Assisted Suicide    Bryson, Ken A.




Is There Reward and Retribution for People? The Evolution of Biblical Thought.    Lipovsky, Igor P.


18(30) 7(2) Contemporary Christian Music and the Church    Oladosu, Opeyemi T.


18(28)   An Examination of Church Proliferation in Nigeria    Adetoyese, John O.


18(26)   The Use of Anointing Oil in Mark 6:13 in African Context.    Olagunju, Olugbenga


18(25) 2(3) Self-Awareness, Evaluation and Actualization: Jesus Christ’s Example.    Ukoma, Amarachi N.


18(24) 2(4) Understanding 2 Corinthians 5:17-21.    Schellenberg, Jacquelyn B.


18(23) 3(2) The Meaning and Function of זָכַר in Genesis.    Oladosu, Opeyemi T.


18(22) R Argument Against Ethnicity: Conflicts and Divisions in the Church in Nigeria Using the Ethical and Theological Imperatives of Ephesians 4:1-6.    Adeyanju, James O.




Love of Money - Not as in Greed but Legitimate: A Social Scientific Study of ἀφιλάργυρος in Hebrews 13:5.    Kissi, Seth


18(20)   Evaluating the Effects of Merchandizing Ministry on Some Television Stations in 21st Century: a Study of Prophetic Ministry in Ghana.    Okai, David K.


18(19) V The Church and Homosexuality in Ghana: A Critical Biblical and Theological Review.    Bansah, Confidence W.


18(18) 4(1) Flight on Sabbath and the Sabbath in Matthew 24:20.    Razafiarivony, Davidson


18(16) 2(1) Was Jesus Minor to the Father?    Akinola, Oluseyi C.


18(15) 2(3) The Concept of Global Combat in the Context of Christian Theology: Combatants, Armor, and Two Human Anatomic Combat Zones.    Okai, David K.


18(14) 7(3) The Length of Samson's Judgeship:  Comparing Judges 15:20 and 16:31.    Roskoski, John


18(12)   The Implication of Amos' Prophecies for Social, Moral, and Religious Injustice in Nigeria    Alao, Joseph O.


18(10) R Legalization of LGBT in the Nations: Ghana Is At the Crossroads of Choice.    Okai, David K.


18(08) 2(1) Beliefs: The Formation and Use of Sources and Norms.    Schellenberg, Jacquelyn B.


18(06) 4(4) Readings Related to a Case Study on Spiritual Facilitation Within a Catholic Aged Care Organisation in South Australia.     Porter, Roger


18(04)   What Now?  Administering a Post-Apostolic Church.     Pitts, David


18(02) 1(3) Women in Leadership:  a Critical View at Timothy 2:9-15.     Tonkin, Tom


17(50)   Readings Related to the Pastoral Care Experiences of Residents in South Australian Aged Care Facilities.     Porter, Roger


17(48) 6(1) Is the Woman of Revelation 17 the Same Woman of Revelation 12?     Razafiarivony, Davidson


17(46) 7(3) Samson and the Danite Migration:  Reconciling Judges 13:25 and 18:12.     Roskoski, John


17(44) 2(3) Dating Christ's Crucifixion       Ramsundar, Pallant


17(42) 7(1) Altruistic Leadership in the Book of Daniel       Ball, Robart


17(40) 2(1) The Progressive Announcement of Salvation in Luke:  Revealing a Shift in Redemptive History       King, Yvette


17(38)   Church Workers: Agents of Church Growth.     Akintola, Daniel O.


17(37)  3(4) 1 Peter 1:1-12.  An Affirmation of Hope     Carter, John W. (Jack).


17(36)   When Divorce Could Be a Child of Necessity: A Moral Argument for Situational Divorce     Ajayi, Sunday D.


17(35) 2(4) The Problem of Prosperity Preaching in the Light of Matthew 26:6-13.     Ukoma, Amarachi N.


17(34)   Unholy Compromise.   Skeen, James W.


17(33)   The Missiological Implications of Jael's Role in Israel-Canaan Battle for Contemporary Christian Women Akintola, Daniel O.


17(32)   Thomas Traherne: A Viewpoint for Our Time   Skeen, James W.


17(31) 2(1) The Legitimacy of Typological Interpretation of the Scriptures   deVries, Pieter




The Emerging Church: from Mission to 'Missional'   Wade, William


17(29) 4(1) An Aesthetic Analysis and Theological Reflection on Marian Art: An Interpretive Perspective   Porter, Roger


17(28)   Extaticism in Israel: Prophetic Tradition and African Pentecostal Movement.   Olagunju, Olugbenga


17(27) 2(3) Life Balance:  The Need for Blessedness in Our Lives   Skeen, James W.


17(26)   Preparing Youths for Biblical Studies:  The Story of Hannah and Her Son, Revisited   Ojo, M.Y.


17(25) 6(1) The Real Absence:  An Evaluation of the Real Presence View.   Mascrenghe, M.


17(24) 3(2) The Stylish Tillich: Jay Bakker and Revolution Church.   Degoes, Plínio


17(23) 3(1) Learning from Renaissance Education.   Skeen, James W.


17(22)   Education, Literacy, and Illiteracy in Ancient Near Eastern Culture.   Oladosu, Opeyemi T.


17(21)   A Response to Esther Fuchs, An Evangelical Appraisal of her article, "Marginalization, Ambiguity, Silencing:  the Story of Jephthah's Daughter.   Mascrenghe, M.


17(20) - Lexico-Symantic Analysis of Bachar in the Light of Salvific Grace.  Oladejo, Olusayo, B.


17(19) 2(3) Who is God at the Heart of Suffering?  An Explanation of Suffering as Caused by Natural and Moral Evil.  Ventureyra, Scott


17(18) 7(1) Humility: Philippians 2:1-11.   Skeen, James W.


17(17) 2(4) Isaac and Samson: Sons of the Promise.   Roskoski, John


17(16) 3(4) The Origins, Developments, and Contemporary Significances of Early Christian Art  Ventureyra, Scott


17(15) 2(1) Fraud and Economic Dishonesty: A Curse on Our Society  Skeen, James W.


17(14)   Exegesis of Leviticus 17:11 in Light of Christian Worship in Contemporary Nigeria.  Olagunju, Olugbenga


17(13) 3(1) Is Speaking in Tongues Real Today?  An African Christian Perspective  Bansah, Confidence W.


17(12) 3(1) A Critique of Open Theists' Solution to Divine Foreknowledge: Freewill Dilemma in Light of Augustinian Freewill Theory.  Adeboye, Godwin O.


17(11) 6(4) The Effect of Ebola Virus on Christian Missions and its Way Out.  Akintola, Daniel O.


17(10) 2(2) The Sign of the Cross; How it is Made, its Origins, Development, and its Uses.  Ventureyra, Scott


17(09) 3(1) The Use of the Old Testament in the Book of Revelation  Oladosu, Opeyemi T.


17(08) 4(1) Bible Translation Policy  Pitts, David


17(07) 4(4) An Evaluation of Feminist Theology  Adebayo, Faith O.


17(06) R Readings Related to Best Practice for End-of-Life Spiritual Care in South Australian Catholic Aged Care Facilities.  Porter, Roger


17(05)   Premillennialism within Eschatology  Wright, Justin R.


17(04) 5(4) Life on Earth: Created by God or Chance? A Biblical and Scientific Apologetic.  Jothibai, E.


17(03) 7(2) The Liturgical Spiritality of Dom Virgil Michel.  Ventureyra, Scott


17(02)   The Eucharist in Luke 22:14-21 and the Kolanut Among the Ukwuani People: A Comparative Study  Ossai-Ugbah, Chikaogu D.


16(52) 2(1) A New Way Salt May Metaphorically Serve as an Example of Natural Revelation in the Bible.  Pinkham, Carlos F.A.


16(51)   Cessation of Pneumatic Elements in the Contemporary Church.  Ukoma, Amarachi Nnachi


16(50)   A Simple Exegesis on the Faith in James' Eye Glasses.  Crogman, Horace


16(49)   Ellen Gould White Early Challenges: a Lesson for Contemporary Christians.  Alu, Caleb O.


16(47) 3(2) Theological Interpretation of "The Writing on the Wall" in Daniel 5:25-28.  Alu, Caleb O.


16(46)   Exegesis of Leviticus 17:11 in Light of Christian Worship in Contemporary Nigeria  Olagunju, Olugbenga


16(45)   The Role of Nigerian Pastors in Empowering Church Members.  Awojobi, Peter O.


16(44) V Planetary Realignments at the Time of Noah's Flood and its Effect on the Lifespan of Man.  Ramsundar, Pallant


16(43) 3(2) Science and Spiritual Christianity:  The Relationship Between Christian Spirituality and Biological Evolution  Ventureyra, Scott


16(42)   Conflicts in Nigeria:  Christian Contributions to Peace-Making  Oyeleye, Paul


16(41)   Re-examining the Theological Functions of "Seek the Lord" in Zephaniah 2:1-3 ...  Udoekpo, Michael U.


16(40) 3(1) The Challenges of Christians' Participation in Politics.  Adetoyese, John O.


16(39) 7(2) Dembski's Theodicy in Dialogue with Domning and Helwig's Original Selfishness...: A Critial Review.  Ventureyra, Scott


16(38) 5(3) The Second Coming of Christ, an Alternative View.  Kon, KeeFui


16(36) 3(3) Warranted Skepticism? Putting the Center for Inquiry's Rationale to the Test.  Ventureyra, Scott


16(34)   The Priesthood of the Believer in Baptist Ecclesiology.  McLendon Justin


16(32) 4(2) Augustine as an Apologist:  Is Confessions Apologetic in Nature?.  Ventureyra, Scott


16(30) 2(1) The Compulsion of the Spirit in the Farewell Speech of Paul to the Ephesian Leaders in Acts 20:17-38.  Hull, Cletus


16(28) 5(3) An Analysis of St. Anselm's De Casu Diaboli in Light of the Evolution of Thought on the Conceptualization of Satan and Demons Throughout History.  Ventureyra, Scott


16(26) 3(1) Towards a Genre-Based New Testament Theology.    Mascrenghe, M.


16(24) 7(3) Women in the Book of Proverbs: Woman of Wisdom vs. Woman of Folly.  Ventureyra, Scott


16(22) R Joshua:  A Leader with a Biblical Perspective.  Tonkin, Tom


16(20)   A Case Study on Spiritual Facilitation within a Catholic Aged Care Organisation In Southern Australia.  Porter, Roger


16(18) 6(2) The Relevance of Pauline Theology of Charismata and Sumpheron in 1 Corinthians 12:1-7 to Christian Ecumenism in Nigeria.  Adeboye, Godwin O.


16(16) 6(3) The Son of Man in 1 Enoch and its Implications for the Christology of the Synoptic Gospels.  Quinn, Kyle P.


16(14)   The Gagging of the Church: Evangelism Without the Evangel.    Wade, William


16(12)   A Look at the Background of the Exceptive Clause in Divorce and Remarriage Saying (Matt.19:9)   Razafiarivony, Davidson.


16(10)   Conflict Between Christians and Muslims with Reference to Northern Nigeria  Awojobi, Peter O..


16(09)   Resolving Difficulties in the Translation of Luke 24:34. Ramsundar, Pallant


16(08)   Reduction in the Apocalyptic Focus of the Church in Africa.   Ayo-Obiremi, Olusola O.


16(07)   Samson and the Gazite Harlot: The Significance of Judges 16:1-3.   Roskoski, John


16(06) 4(2) The Importance of Judges 15:3-5 in the Samson Narratives.   Roskoski, John


16(04)   Catechetical and Religious Education for Faith with Families and Children.    Porter, Roger


16(02) 4(2) Paul's Concept of Law and Grace and its Relevance for the Church Today.    Olagunju, Olugbenga


15(52)   Logic Behind the Covenant with Abraham.    Song, Daegene


15(50) 4(2) The Image, The Woman, and Dominion    Mascrenghe, M.


15(48)   The Present State of African Religion    Adetoyese, J.


15(46)   Apostasy in Hebrews 6:4-6.    Green, T. Matthew


15(44) V The Theology of Peace and War in the Old Testament      Adeboye, G.


15(42)   The Meaning of חָפַ֖צְ תּ in Jonah 1:14      Jupp, Joel


15(40) 5(1) From this Day Forward All Generations Will Call Me Blessed Roskoski, John


15(38)   Torah as Foundation of Education      Olajide, Grace


15(36)   Habakkuk's Faith and God's Sovereignty: a Paradigm for the Suffering Righteous Today      Udoekpo, Michael U.


15(34)   An In Situ Appreciation of Paul's Old Testament Corinth      Porter, Roger


15(32) 5(4) Machiavelli v. St. Augustine, a Tale of Two Cities: ... the City of Man and the City of God.      Amugen, Martyn


15(30)   From Repentance to Lifestyle: Replacing Crisis Conversion with Relational Journey.      Wade, William


15(28) 5(3) The Re-Dating of Nehemiah    Pitts, David


15(26)   Torah as Foundation of Education  Olajide, Grace


15(24) 5(3) A Moral and Relational Interpretation of the Parable of the Prodigal Son   Winters, William D.


15(22)   Leadership Conflict in the Nigerian Church   Awojobi, Peter O.


15(20)   No Problem?  Addressing Apparent Conflicts in the Biblical Narrative   Pitts, David


15(18)   The Lions of Judah  Roskoski, John


15(16)   Paul and the Foolish Galatians: an Exegetical Analysis of Galatians 3:1-14.  Olajide, Grace


15(14) 1(4) Missions in Malachi: The Holistic Purpose of God for His Priests, People, and Other Nations  Baba, Stephen O.Y.


15(12)   False Believers in the Letter to the Hebrews  Pak, Joseph K.


15(10) 6(2) A Reflection and Analysis on the 'Creation of Adam' Sistine Chapel Fresco  Porter, Roger


15(08)   The Theological Significance of Judges 13:1  Roskoski, John


15(06)   Jonah's Tomato Surprise: a Literary Reading of God's Unchanging Mind  Holdier, A.G.


15(04)   Giovanni Francesco Bernadone: a "Proto-Protestant" Reformer   Klein, Peter D.


15(02)   Teaching Toward Biblical Cultural Literacy   Corcoran, Henry A.


14(52) 3(1) The Conscience, According to Paul   Hahk, Samuel B.


14(50) - Sodomy Stories and Sodomy Laws: What Was the Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah?   Rezkalla, Paul


14(48)   Mary's Charisma. Biblical Fulfillment, Role Ordained   Roskoski, John


14(46)   Apostolic Knowledge Creation:  a Sacred Texture Analysis of the Apostle John's Third Epistle   Burkus, David


14(42)   The Concept of Parousia in the New Testament: It's Implication for the 21st-Century Church   Olagunju, Olugbenga


14(40) 3(4) Growth and Stability in the Midst of Adversity:  Lessons from the Early Christian Church   Okantey, Peter C.


14(38) 6(3) Divine Agency and Human Suffering   Bryson, Ken A.
09/08/13 14(36)   Paradoxes of the Problem of Evil Through Existentialism, Secular Humanism, and Pantheism as Compared with Christian Theism   Teh, Henry H.G.
08/25/13 14(34)   Philippians 2:5-11.  Christian Identity of Moral Wisdom, Paradoxical Servitude and Resonating Kenosis.   Leontaris, Joanna
08/11/13 14(32)   Is the Song of Songs a Secular Love Poem and/or a Theological Allegory?   Porter, Roger
07/28/13 14(30)   Postmodern Popular Philosophy and the Caricature of Expository Preaching: A Response to Wade.   Mathews, S.H.
07/14/13 14(28)   The Relevance of Historical-Critical Method of Biblical Interpretation for the Church in Africa.   Olagunju, Olugbenga
06/30/13 14(26)   Superficial Faith and Self-Desception.   Pak, Joseph K.
06/16/13 14(24)   The Davidic Theology of Samson's Charisma.   Roskoski, John
06/02/13 14(22) 5(2) Jesus, the Originator of Servant Leadership: A Narrative Texture Analysis of John 13:1-17.   Okantey, Peter C.
05/19/13 14(20) 5 Evangelism in a Post-Modern Age: Bridging the Evangelical/Emerging Church Tension.   Wade, William
05/05/13 14(18) 1(4) The Targumim as Background of the Prologue of the Gospel According to John.   deVries, Pieter
04/21/13 14(16)   Kyrios in the Fourth Gospel and its Implications for African/Asian Eccesiology   Oyemomi, Emmanuel
04/07/13 14(14)   Teaching Biblical Narrative Analysis to College Students and Other Adult Learners.   Corcoran, Henry A.
03/24/13 14(12)   The Effect of Usury on the Well-Being of Mankind.   Amugen, Martyn
03/10/13 14(10)   The Use of the Old Testament in 1 Corinthians 15:44-49.   Latham, John W.
02/24/13 14(08)   Leadership, Character, and the Early Church:  A Social and Cultural Texture Analysis of 1 Timothy 3:1-7.   Burkus, David
02/10/13 14(06)   The False Doctrine of "Secular" Work   Shankle, David
01/28/13 14(04)   The Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John   Mathews, S.H.
01/13/13 14(02)   God's Time Management Plan: An Exegetical View of Revelation 19.   Tonkin, Tom
12/30/12 13(54)   Fellowship and Followership: Maintaining Creative Tension in Ghana's Christian Leadership.   Anum, Eric N.B.
12/16/12 13(52)   A Cry for Freedom:  the African Women's Quest in the Light of the Bible.   White, Peter
12/02/12 13(50) 6(1) The Apostle John's Spiritual Foresight: Interpretation Through the Exegesis of Revelation.   Green, Daryl D.
11/18/12 13(48) 7(3) How the Role of Cyrus in Second Isaiah Relates to Israel's Developing Understanding of God   Porter, Roger
11/04/12 13(46)   A Biblical Theology of Salvation (or Yeshuw'ah) from Genesis to Psalms   King, Yvette
10/21/12 13(44) 3(1) Imagery in the Passion of the Messiah   Carter, John W. (Jack)
10/07/12 13(42)   Strategy & Revelation: How the Apostle John's Revelation Conforms to Models of Foresight.   Burkus, David
09/25/12 13(40)   The Storm Theophany: A Theology of the Storm.   Roskoski, John
09/09/12 13(38)   An Understanding of the Sermon of the Mount for African Ecclesiology.   Oyemomi, Emmanuel
08/26/12 13(36)   Women in Leadership, Examined in 1 Corinthians  Stitt, Patrick
08/12/12 13(34)   What Should I Call You?  Addressing the Presbyter   Evans, Robert E.
07/29/12 13(32)   Causes for the Upsurge in Imprecatory Prayer in Contemporary African Christian Churches   White, Peter
07/15/12 13(30)   Repentance:  Attitude or Action?   Carter, John W. (Jack)
07/01/12 13(28) 1(4) Is There a Centre or Common Structure for New Testament Theology?   Olagunju, Olugbenga
06/24/12 13(26) 5(1) Theosophy: a Historical Analysis and Refutation   Skeen, James W.
06/10/12 13(24) 5(1) Jesus as Agent of Change and Guiding.   Holloway, J.
05/27/12 13(22)   The Distinctive and Salvific Nature of Animal Sacrifice in Judaism.   Rezkalla, Paul
05/12/12 13(20)   Organizational Design and the Early Church: a Social and Cultural Texture Analysis of Acts.   Burkus, David
04/29/12 13(18)   Apostolic Preaching in a Post-Modern Context: A Plea for the Death of the Expository Sermon.   Wade, William
04/15/12 13(16) R From Law to Grace:  An Interpretation of Paul's Gospel in Romans 1 - 8.   White, Peter
04/01/12 13(14) 1(4) "Seven Green Withs that were Never Dried":  Judges 16:7.  Cecil B. DeMille's Rendition...Valid, Authentic, Artistic?   Kozlovic, Anton K.
03/25/12 13(13) Rf Fundamentals of Integral Ethics:  Religious and Secular Views.   Rivas, Solomon C.
03/18/12 13(12) R Searching for David.   Chen, Mary
03/11/12 13(11)   Church Growth Through Effective and Qualitative Christian Worship.   Oyemomi, Emmanuel
03/04/12 13(10)   The Sabbath Commandment: A Social-Cultural Analysis of Deuteronomy 5:12-15.   Burkus, David
02/26/12 13(09)   Easter as an Ecumenical Conundrum   Straus, Michael
02/19/12 13(08)   Incarnational Christology in the Johannine Gospel: Implications for African Christianity   Olagunju, Olugbenga
02/12/12 13(07) 5(1) What Did Huldrych Zwingli Achieve for the Swiss Reformation?   Porter, Roger
02/06/12 13(06)   A Biblical Approach and Response to Poverty.   Adewunmiju Peter O.
01/29/12 13(05) 5(1) The Subjects of Baptism:  A History of Controversy.   Carter, John W. (Jack)
01/22/12 13(04) R Sins of the Sons of God: Does the Punishment Fit the Crime?   Jentoft, K.
01/08/12 13(02) R Developing a Theology for Worship Today: A Case Study of Leviticus 17:11   White, Peter
12/18/11 12(51)   Encouragement in Foresight:  An Idealogical Texture Analysis...   Vanderpyl, Tim H.
12/04/11 12(49)   Psalm One:  The Source of Happiness   Taylor, J. Rodney
11/20/11 12(47)   A Historical Reconstruction of the Situation in Ephesus in Relation to Women   Stitt, Patrick
11/06/11 12(45)   The Pauline Strategy:  An Ideological Texture Analysis of the Apostle Paul's Ministry   Burkus, David
10/23/11 12(43)   The Doctrine of Election as it Relates to Salvation - Implications of God's Omnitemporal Nature.  Cross, Ronald E.
10/09/11 12(41)   Eternal Destiny  Skeen, James W.
09/25/11 12(39)   Exegesis of 1 Corinthians 12:1-11  Olagunju, Olugbenga
09/11/11 12(37) 5(3) Beginning at the End: Strategic Implications of the Farewell Discourse of Matthew 28.  Vanderpyl, Tim H.
08/28/11 12(35)   A Call to Harms: Is Church Discipline for Today?  Taggart, Jacob A.
08/14/11 12(33) 1(4) At the Sources of Biblical History.  Lipovsky, Igor P.
07/31/11 12(31)   Provenance of the Gospel of St. Matthew.    Olagunju, Olugbenga
07/17/11 12(29)   New Testament Concepts of Forgiveness in the Gospels... Dangme Translation and Usage .    Anum, Eric N.B.
07/03/11 12(27)   Strategic Leadership and the Great Commission... Matthew 28:1-20.  Burkus, David
06/19/11 12(25)   The Origins of Adonai in the Hebrew Scriptures  Manetti, Ren
06/05/11 12(23)   The Johannine Creation Account  Bedard, Stephen J.
05/22/11 12(21) - And They Were Sore Afraid:  An Analysis of Angelophanic Fear.  Capet, Race
05/15/11 12(20) 3(2) Shining the Light of Faith and Philosophy on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Bryson, Ken A.
05/01/11 12(18)   A Reconciliation of Jesus Christ's Divinity and His Begottenness by the Father .  Cross, Ronald E.
04/17/11 12(16)   The Unity of the Church and the Kiss as its Biblical Expression.  Hunter, Samuel M.
04/03/11 12(14)   A Theology of Missional Preaching.  Schafer, Karl A.
02/06/11 12(06)   Exposition of 1 Corinithians 13:4-8a.  Hau, Pius
12/19/10 11(43)   The Leadership of an Empowering Savior: An Intertexture Analysis of Matthew 16:13-20.  Burkus, David
12/05/10 11(41)   Temple Ecclesiology in Corinthians:  I Will Dwell In Them.  Ruszala, Michael J.
09/11/10 11(28)   The Interwoven Relationship of Religion, Theology, & Ethics with Secular Knowledge.  Rivas, Solomon C..
08/22/10 11(26)   An Intertecture Analysis of the Healing of the Leper in Matthew 8:1-4  Vanderpyl, Tim H.
08/15/10 11(24)   A Christological Reading of the Shepherd Motif for Pastoral Theology ... Ezekiel 34.  Rodgers, Ben
08/01/10 11(22) 2(2) Principles of the Heart: Growth of New Life in Us.  Skeen, James W.
07/18/10 11(20)   The Original Transformational Leader: An Inner Texture Analysis of Mark 1:16-20.  Burkus, David
07/04/10 11(18)   Jesus Came Healing and Curing  Bryson, Ken A.
06/13/10 11(15)   Samson's Death Account and the Ancient Theology of Territorial Dominion  Roskoski, John
05/30/10 11(13)   A Study of Prayer in the Gospel of Luke  Green, Timothy
05/01/10 11(09)   Theology of Adoption: The Father Heart of God  Winters, Donald
02/07/09 10(50)   An Ecclesiology of Escapism:  An Examination of the Rapture in the Book of Revelation  Kennedy, Jeff S.
01/17/09 10(48)   The State of Human Existence and its Religious, Theological, Philosophical, and Ethical Answers.  Rivas, Solomon C..
11/22/09 10(40)   A Theology and Philosophy of Christian Education Bamalyi, Dabai
11/08/09 10(37) sv The Pre-Existence of Christ Bradley, Delon
09/13/09 10(28) V The Apostle John's Spiritual Foresight ... Green, Daryl D.
08/30/09 10(25)   Where Did the Ancient Semites Come From?   Lipovsky, Igor P.
04/05/09 10(06)   Baptism:  The Kingdom and the Church Weremchuk, Max
03/22/09 10(04)   Mutual Submission in the Marriage Union. Carter, John W. (Jack)
03/08/09 10(02)   The Trials of Christ: The Silent Defense. Walker, Jeffery N.
02/22/09 9(52)   Dating Christ's Crucifixion  Ramsundar, Pallant
02/08/09 9(50) 4(2) God's Special Presence in Worship Carter, John W. (Jack)
01/25/09 9(48)   Silence and Hebrew Meditation Bryson, Ken A.
01/11/09 9(46) R Misunderstanding Jesus: Did the Disciples Misunderstand Jesus' Message and Mission?  Kennedy, Jeff S.
12/28/08 9(44)   Transformation & Victory: The Resurrection Message of 1 Corinthians 15. Bedard, Stephen J.
12/07/08 9(42)   The Legitimacy of the use of Old Testament Pagan Saints as an Argument for Inclusivism. Stewart, Alexander E.
11/23/08 9(40)   The Exegetical Meaning of Dei in the Gospel According to Saint Luke.  Ossai-Ugbah, Chikaogu D..
11/09/08 9(38)   The Concept of Atoning Death in the New Testament. Costa, Tony
10/26/08 9(36)   Luther and the Form Critics:  Touching the Tears of Moses. Glynn, Alexandra
10/12/08 9(34)   The Archeological Site of Qumran and the Personality of Roland DeVaux Trstensky, Frantisek
09/28/08 9(32) 6(2) The Kingdom of God is Within You Marcin, Raymond B.
09/14/08 9(30)   Interpretation Through the Exegesis of Acts 1 and 2 Green, Daryl D.
08/31/08 9(28)   Paul's Westward Mission in Acts and the Epistles Costa, Tony
11/04/07 8(38)   The Who, Whom, and When of Luke-Acts Martinez, Rich
10/14/07 8(36)   Exegetical Study of Matthew 19:16-26  Earnhart, Matthew P.
09/30/07 8(34)   Divine Empowerment: Interpretation Through the Exegesis of Acts 2 Green, Daryl D.
09/16/07 8(32)   Elijah - The Proto-Apocalyptic Prophet Bedard, Stephen J.
09/02/07 8(30) 1(4) "I Will Love Them Freely": A Metaphorical Theology of Hosea 14  Schaab, Gloria L.
08/26/07 8(28)   Was Adoptionism the Earliest Christology? A Response to Bart Ehrman Costa, Tony
08/12/07 8(26)   Genesis 6:3 and Paul's Epistle to the Romans  Jenoft, K.
07/15/07 8(22)   A Philosophical Evangelical Apologetic for Contemporary Postmodernism  Chance, Frank D.
07/01/07 8(20)   Jesus' Leadership Interpretation Through the Exegesis of Mark 10:17-22  Green, Daryl D.
06/14/07 8(18)   The Hermeneutical Key to the Book of Revelation  Campbell, Clive
06/03/07 8(14) 1(2) An Introduction to the Interpretation of Apocalyptic Literature Carter, John W. (Jack)
05/20/07 8(12) 1(2) Doing Theology in a Pluralistic Context  Raja, John J.
05/06/07 8(10)   The Healing of the Hemorrhaging Woman: Miracle or Magic?  Bromley, Donald H.
04/29/07 8(08)   Phenomenology and the Synoptics: What About Mark?  Sherfey, Laura Ann
04/15/07 8(06)   The Cleansing of the Temple  Martinez, Rich
10/15/06 7(31) R Principles and Patterns for Faithful Exegetical Transition  Ossai-Ugbah, Chikaogu D.
10/01/06 7(29) 6(2) An Historical-Critical Evaluation of Aquinas' Argument For the Existence of God  Chance, Frank D.
09/24/06 7(28)   Detailed Inerrancy and the Gospel Accounts of Peter's Denials  Chong, Edwin K.P.
09/17/06 7(27)   The Historical - Critical Method  Martinez, Rich
12/27/03 4(45) 7(3) A Perspective on the Distinctiveness of Marks's Gospel. Carter, John W. (Jack)
12/21/03 4(44)   Neotheism and Evil:  Difficulties with the Problem of Evil.  Calvert, M.
09/21/03 4(31)   Principles of the Heart:  Creationary or Evolutionary?  Skeen, James W.
08/24/03 4(27) 7(2) On Jesus' Eschatological Ignorance Chong, Edwin K.P.
07/27/03 4(23) 3(4) A Semiotic Analysis of the "New Jerusalem" in the Book of Revelation Locker, Markus
06/15/03 4(17) 2(3) Twice Saved:  The Pattern of Adoption in Salvation. Carter, John W. (Jack)
02/02/03 3(49)   Bronze Age Veracity.  Soggie, Neil
01/26/03 3(48)   Functional Christology in the Fourth Gospel.  Folarin, George O.
12/15/02 3(42)   The Authenticity and Proof of Divine Revelation.  Rhodes, Kenneth W.
11/24/02 3(39) R The Radical Ethics of Jesus.    Giannet, Stanley M.
11/17/02 3(38) 2(2) The Historical Reliability of the New Testament. Martinez, Rich
11/10/02 3(37)   Gender in Judeo-Christian Tradition. Yen, Rhoda J.
10/20/02 3(34) 2(2) Existentialism, Science, and the Scriptures: The Mythological Christology of Rudolf Bultmann. Carter, John W. (Jack)
09/22/02 3(30)   Mark's Transformation of John's Gnostic Feet. Locker, Markus
08/25/02 3(26) R The Joseph Novella.  Giannet, Stanley M.
06/30/02 3(18)   Counseling Troubled Youth:  The Parent's Task of Relinquishment. Carter, AnnMarie H.
06/02/02 3(14) 5(4) The Conversion of the Ethiopian. Perkins, Raymond
04/21/02 3(08) 2(2) The Early Life and Background of Paul, the Apostle. Wallace, Quency E.
03/10/02 3(02)   The Canon of the New Testament. Martinez, Rich
02/10/02 2(50)   New Abridged Evidence for the Real Site of the Temple of Jerusalem Martin, Ernest L.
11/03/01 2(36) 4(3) Perseverance:  An Act of Man or an Act of God?   Carter, John W. (Jack)
07/21/01 2(21) 1(2) The Doctrine of Preaching in the New Testament. Davis, Steven F.
06/09/01 2(15) 3(3) Establishing a Theological Paradigm in a Postmodern Society.  Carter, John W. (Jack)
05/05/01 2(10) 5(4) Faith, Works, and the Apparent Controversy of Paul and James.  Carter, John W. (Jack)
03/03/01 2(01) 1(2) The Epistemological Impact of an Omnitemporal Eternity on Theological Paradigms.  Carter, John W. (Jack)

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