Copyright © 2000-2025, John W. (Jack) Carter, Ph.D. All rights reserved.
A refereed, weekly, open-access journal, now in its twenty-sixth year.Submission Instructions
The purpose of the Journal of Biblical Theology is to provide an outlet for theologians and theology students in the field of Biblical Theology to share their research in peer-reviewed journals. Consequently, papers are invited to be submitted by graduate students and those who have completed graduate degrees in any field of Christian theology and/or biblical studies.
The copyright of all published articles is retained by the author under Title 17 US Code 506. The Journal retains a "fair use" agreement to edit, format to the journal specifications, and reproduce the author's work in any media that the Journal may publish in the future. The author is also free to republish the original manuscript in other journals once the work is published.
Though scholarly publications should make liberal use of citations from a variety of respected sources, a submitted paper will also use the Bible as its primary source of authority. Manuscripts that do not include research will not be published. Frequent use of Biblical citations is also expected since it is to be the primary source of your research.
Papers that utilize the subjects and methods consistent with the field of Biblical Theology will be given preference for publication. Refer to the
journal doctrinal statement.Click here for a Style Sheet that can be used as a template for manuscript preparation. Limit text fonts to Bookman Old Style, and Calibri only. Use English transliteration with italics to represent Greek and Hebrew terms or any other special characters. Note that this style sheet is necessary for submission in subsequent hard copy editions of the Journal. Graphics and Photographs must be encoded in .GIF or .JPEG format.
Submitted manuscripts will be edited by the AJBT for layout and located errors, but will not be edited for content. It is the responsibility of the author to cite sources correctly.
Research Methodology
Choose a research question: Start by formulating a research question that you would like to answer through your paper. This could be a question about the meaning of a specific verse or a broader question about the themes and messages in your subject.
Conduct a literature review: Look for peer-reviewed articles and books on your subject and read them to get an understanding of the existing research and arguments. Make note of the authors' perspectives, interpretations, and arguments, and think about how they relate to your research question.
Gather evidence: Collect evidence from the primary source (the Bible) and secondary sources (peer-reviewed articles and books) that support your argument. Make sure to use reliable sources, and take detailed notes so you can easily find and cite the information you need later.
Analyze and synthesize the evidence: After you have gathered your evidence, start analyzing and synthesizing the information to answer your research question. This involves evaluating the quality and relevance of the evidence, comparing and contrasting the different perspectives, and drawing conclusions based on the available information.
Write the paper: Once you have analyzed and synthesized the evidence, you can start writing the paper. Start with an introduction that provides background information and states your research question. Then, present your argument and support it with evidence from the literature and the Bible. Conclude the paper by summarizing your thesis, findings, and highlighting their significance.
Cite your sources: Make sure to properly cite all of the sources you used in your paper, use Microsoft WORD Footnote features in a consistent citation style (such as MLA, APA, or Turabian). A minimum level of scholarship will have a few unique citations per page. Papers of 5000 words or more are given preference.
Manuscripts will not be processed until a signed copy of the Publication Contract Agreement is received at A scan or photograph of a signed copy is acceptable.